اموزش زبان انگلیسی ارمین |
جمعه 2 / 12 / 1391برچسب:, :: 5:19 PM :: نويسنده : ARMINK211
However, the O.K. would have been forgotten over time had it not been used in the campaign for U.S. President of Martin Van Buren. The O.K. Club was es to support Van Buren in the election. This O.K. stands for Old Kinderhook which is his hometown. Even though he lost the election it brought a big popularity to the word O.K. The popularity of O.K. is widesperad and continue until present. The author plays with the word "berg" Acronym = Words formed from initial letters of a name/ word. Pronunciation = The way to speak words Election = The right or ability to make a chioce (vote) Establish = Set up
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